RE/MAX Named #1 Real Estate Agency by SmartAsset

SmartAsset took the time to create a list of some of the best real estate agencies in the industry. In their article, they name RE/MAX the best real estate agency in the industry.

Here is what they said about RE/MAX:


Short for Real Estate Maximums, RE/MAX has been in operation since 1973. In its 43 years of existence, the company has grown to encompass more than 100,000 sales agents working in franchise-owned and operated offices in more than 100 countries and territories. More importantly, RE/MAX is regarded as one of the country’s most productive real estate sales forces.

Read the full article here.

About Author:

Blair MacPherson

Blair MacPherson by virtue of his upbringing understands the value of commitment to hard work. Born on the east coast of Canada, he grew up with a deep appreciation for these qualities as they were constantly reinforced and embraced by the people who lived there. As a result, the traits of honesty, loyalty, and integrity are woven deeply into Blair’s DNA; and they have served his clients well over his 25-plus year career in real estate.

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